Wildflowers of the San Francisco Bay Area

Author: Steven Hartman

Price: $8.95

Category:Plants in Biological Sciences
Publication Date:2014-01-15T00:00:01Z
People exploring nature in the greater San Francisco Bay Area can use this handyphotographic field guide to identify annual and perennial (non-shrubby) native wildflower species. The flowers in the guideare grouped by color to make identification as easy as possible, and the accompanying textindicates size, bloom period, and other characteristics of each plant. The guides six double-sidedpanels fold up into a packet narrow enough to fit in a back pocket yet sturdy enough to stand upunder repeated use. Lamination has also made the guide waterproof. The plants identified in Wildflowers of the Bay Areagrow in a largeregion that includes the valleys, mountains, and coastal plains of10 counties including San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Cruz, Santa Clara, Alameda, Contra Costa, Solano,Napa, Sonoma and Marin.

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