Author: Gap Pucci
Price: $148.99
When Peggy McClung graduated from the University of Kansas with majors in the romance languages of French and Spanish, she could not possibly have guessed that she would soon fall in love with --and marry�--a man who would take she to an isolated cabin with no running water, telephone, television or central heating in the wilds of Wyoming. But that is what she did. And man, of course, was Gap Pucci. Beyond their love for each other, Gap and Peggy shared a love of wilderness and wildlife, a passion that led to a life of adventure unparalled in modern times. Well-known Jackson Hole residents Mardy Murie and Dr. Don MacLeod bore witness to the Puccis' early challenges carving out a life in the wilderness, and rooted for their success as they raised a family of two lovely girls and Gap guided for others, before eventually establishing internationally known Crystal Creek Outfitters. We Married Adventure is a rollicking read that tells their fascinating story.