Author: Swash, Andy
Price: $23.99
Category:Biology of Animals
Publication Date:2005-12-14T00:00:01Z
Until the discovery of the Islands in 1535, the flora and fauna of the Galapagos evolved in isolation, producing strange and marvellous island species, as Charles Darwin found when he visited 300 years later. Nowadays many people visit the islands to see the unique wildlife and still encounter almost all the species that were present when Darwin visited. This is in striking contrast to the chains of extinctions that have occurred in every other large oceanic archipelago following the arrival of man. This compact, well thought out and clearly presented book provides a comprehensive guide to the terrestrial vertebrates on Galapagos. It is simple to use, the text is concise and the innovative use of digital technology has produced a remarkable collection of plates. An informative guide of this kind will help everyone, from beginner to experienced naturalist.