Social Science Research

Author: Lomand, Turner

Price: $61.22

Publication Date:2012-01-01T00:00:01Z
¿ This new edition gives students valuable practice in reading and evaluating research. All major methods of research are illustrated, including qualitative research, content/document analysis, survey research, observational research, experimental research, and program evaluation. ¿ The articles deal with contemporary topics that will hold your students¿ attention. ¿ The lines in each article are sequentially numbered. This allows easy reference to specific parts of the articles during classroom discussions. ¿ Factual Questions at the end of each article encourage students to read for methodological and substantive points. ¿ The Answer Key provides answers to the Factual Questions. The line numbers where the answers can be found are included, making the key easy to use. ¿ The Questions for Discussion at the end of each article address broad issues of research design and overall research quality. ¿ Ideal for homework assignments followed by classroom discussions at the next class meeting.

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