Exploring Bible Prophecy from Genesis to Revelation: Clarifying the Meaning of Every Prophetic Passage (Tim LaHaye Prophecy Library)

Author: Steven Ger
Price: $10.71
Category:Christian Bible Study & Reference
Publication Date:2011-12-01T00:00:01Z
Here is an indispensable, all-in-one resource on the prophecies of the Bible! It’s all here—clear and concise explanations for the key Bible prophecies from Genesis to Revelation. Written by Bible scholars but created for everyday readers and Bible students, this volume makes it possible for users to expand their knowledge of prophecy in ways unmatched by other books. Among the notable features are… more than 500 easy-to-read pages of explanatory comments about the prophecies in God’s Word useful charts, diagrams, and time lines simple format for easy referencing helpful word definitions special attention to Bible passages that are particularly difficult or important Assembled by bestselling prophecy teachers Tim LaHaye and Ed Hindson, along with a team of highly qualified contributors, this is a must-have for every Christian library. Rerelease of The Popular Bible Prophecy Commentary.