Author: Community Bible Study
Price: $15.43
Category:Christian Bible Study & Reference
Publication Date:2012-06-25T00:00:01Z
The opening words of Revelation announce the book's title and author: The revelation of Jesus Christ. In this 18-lesson in-depth Bible study, you will engage with the unveiling of Jesus as the Lamb of God, Bridegroom, King, and Judge. You will see how God rules history and will bring it to a triumphal climax in Christ. Engage Bible Studies connect you with the enduring truth of God's Word. Come out of the clutter and clanging of our culture and discover the peace of meeting the God of the Bible in the pages of His Word. Engage Bible Studies take you verse by verse into the richness of the Scriptures in ways that impact your heart and illumine your mind. You won't find dry doctrinal debates. You will find simple tools that cultivate your understanding and engage your heart. Tools for transformation. You also will learn how to apply God's Word in your everyday life. You are beginning an incredible journey!