Saying No to God: A Radical Approach to Reading the Bible Faithfully

Author: Korpman, Matthew J
Price: $18.59
Category:Christian Bible Study & Reference
Publication Date:2019-12-13T00:00:01Z
Blessed are those who defy God. Although bumper stickers abound that propose otherwise, the Bible itself reveals that just because “God says it,” does not, in fact, mean “that settles it.” On the contrary, a close reading of Scripture reveals that God does not want us to blindly obey him, but rather, invites us to “lock hands” with him and fight. The purpose of this book is to show another way to understand the Bible, one in which readers are not asked to accept what God says, but on the contrary: to say no to it, not because they merely want to, but because the God of the Bible actually requires it.