Thomas Jefferson and the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom: Faith & Liberty in Fredericksburg (The History Press)

Author: Aubrecht, Michael

Price: $17.90

Category:Civil War Campaigns & Battlefields History
Publication Date:2024-04-01T00:00:01Z
Jefferson’s Legacy of Freedom for the Old Dominion Prior to his death Thomas Jefferson left behind specific instructions for the obelisk monument that was to mark his grave. He requested the following epitaph: Here was buried Thomas Jefferson, Author of the Declaration of American Independence, of the Statute of Virginia for Religious Freedom and Father of the University of Virginia. These contributions were in his words the “testimonials that I have lived, I wish most to be remembered.” It is curious that with all his contributions he chose to note his authorship of a minor state law. Jefferson crafted this statute, not in Philadelphia or one of the other busy cities of the day, but while staying in a small Virginia town on the Rappahannock River named Fredericksburg. Local historian Michael Aubrecht tells the tale of the creation of this remarkable document and the impact it continues to have.

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