Author: Nelson, John
Price: $12.99
Category:Leaders & Notable People Biographies
Publication Date:1998-03-26T00:00:01Z
Known as the "saint of the little way" because of her genuine simplicity, love of God, & recognition of Scripture as the source of inspiration & perfection, Therese of Lisieux is one of the greatest saints of modern times. The key to her enormous popularity - the little way of perfection - can be summed up in one word: love. This work explores the five essential components of the Little Way: joyful humility as a child of God, bold confidence in God's mercy & loving-kindness; tranquil trust in the actions of God; persistence in prayer as a simple raising of the heart to God; & daily practice of the little way of love. Within each of these sections, Nelson has gathered extracts from the saint's writings, sayings, & letters, as well as selections from Scripture & The Imitation of Christ - the primary spiritual resources that influenced Therese. As fresh presentation, organized for optimal spiritual benefit, The Little Way of Saint Therese of Lisieux is an inspiring work that is ideally suited to private reading & daily meditation. Readers will be especially encouraged in learning that Therese's simple way is available to all.