Evidence Under the Rules: Text, Cases, and Problems [Connected eBook with Study Center] (Aspen Casebook) (Aspen Casebook Series)

Evidence Under the Rules: Text, Cases, and Problems [Connected eBook with Study Center] (Aspen Casebook) (Aspen Casebook Series)

Author: Christopher B. Mueller

Price: $285.55

Category:Criminal Law
Publication Date:2023-02-15T00:00:01Z
Buy a new version of this textbook and receive access to the Connected eBook with Study Center on CasebookConnect, including: lifetime access to the online ebook with highlight, annotation, and search capabilities; practice questions from your favorite study aids; an outline tool and other helpful resources. Connected eBooks provide what you need most to be successful in your law school classes. Evidence Under the Rules: Text, Cases, and Problems is one of the most widely adopted Evidence casebooks ever published. Structured around the Federal Rules of Evidence, the book contains carefully edited cases and secondary materials, as well as numerous problems that allow students to apply new concepts during classroom exercises or on their own. Text boxes provide interesting background on select cases and additional perspectives on key issues. New to the 10th Edition: Additional problems are provided, and often these are combined into the Notes following cases and other materials. These problems generate good classroom discussion, without displacing conversations about the cases and the principles under consideration. The book is also redesigned, with more colors on the page, and other design features that provide clues to the content of the textual material. The Note material, found after cases and textual accounts, includes organizational headings that act as signposts calling the attention of students to the key issues. The book retains the old favorites, like Boys on the Bridge (Problem 2-C), A Papier Mache Man (Problem 3-I), and “If You Want to Stay Healthy (Problem 4_Q). New end-of-chapter quizzes are included to help in the review of the materials. A thoroughly updated and expanded Index. Benefits for instructors and students: Introductory text that provides a foundation for understanding the cases and materials that follow. Numerous problems that treat cutting-edge issues, allowing students to apply important concepts to contemporary evidentiary problems. A Teacher’s Manual that provides suggestions by the authors for discussing the Notes and cases. “Comment/Perspective” text boxes that provide broader perspectives to aid in understanding doctrine. Sidebars that contain photographs and text relating to important cases, offering background on how the evidence issue arose.

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