Author: Karin Dina
Price: $12.30
Category:Diets & Weight Loss
Publication Date:2015-06-01T00:00:01Z
Rick and Karin Dina are two of the most highly respected raw-food educators in North America. In this book, Karin draws on her personal and clinical experience and also presents research-based information on topics that are especially important to anyone who wants to construct a nutritious raw food diet, either for themselves or their clients. She reviews the nutrients that are important in any diet and discusses their roles and how to obtain them entirely from raw foods. Rick provides groundbreaking information on the adequacy of plant-based protein in a raw diet and how it compares favorably to high-protein animal foods. Other topics include food combining, the effect of heat on nutrients, understanding nutrient and calorie density to determine which foods are the most nutritious, and why whole plant foods are important for health and satiety. On a practical level, Karin analyzes various types of raw food diets and their nutritional adequacies and compares them nutritionally against a typical meat-based diet. She then offers strategies to ensure success in following a raw diet over the long term.