Gifted and Talented Test Prep: Activity Book for Children Ages 3-6 in preschool through kindergarten; G&T NNAT-2; Early Learning Logic and Games

Author: Mind Inventions

Price: $25.65

Category:Children’s Reference & Nonfiction
Publication Date:2018T
Smartie Book Wipe Clean (RE-USABLE) Activity Book offers 90 pages full of colorful content including practice questions, stickers and fun and exciting activities. The book is geared for children in preschool and kindergarten, ages 3-6 and covers key NNAT-2 topics tested during Gifted and Talented exams. Activity Book includes: 166 questions focused on: Shape Creation, Classifications, Series Completion, Pattern and Puzzle Completion, Analogies, Serial Reasoning, and Spatial Visualization. The book also includes 3 sheets of stickers, 7 fun activities, and dry erase pen.

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