The Best Unofficial Practice Tests for the Upper Level SSAT

Author: Abbott M.Ed., Christa B

Price: $18.95

Category:Education & Teaching
Publication Date:2017-08-12T00:00:01Z
This book consists of two full-length practice tests for the Upper Level SSAT. The tests have been revised for 2017-18 based on the latest materials released by the test writers, including an expanded set of algebra and other math topics introduced with the Official Online SSAT Practice Program released in 2016. The tests in this book show students the types of questions they will see, the concepts that will be tested, the format of the test, and a sense of how the scoring works. This book includes the tests and answer keys — content instruction and test-taking strategies can be found in the other Upper Level SSAT publications from Test Prep Works, listed below. Test Prep Works has developed a full series of books for the Upper Level SSAT, including: Success on the Upper Level SSAT: A Complete Course — Students benefit from the comprehensive content instruction, test-taking strategies, and practice provided in this book, including vocabulary lessons and drills, math content lessons and problem sets, reading strategies and drills, and one full-length practice test. This book has also been significantly revised for 2017-18 with additional instruction and practice for advanced algebra and other topics introduced by The Enrollment Management Association in 2016 with the Official Online SSAT Practice Program. 30 Days to Acing the Upper Level SSAT — Students looking for more practice will benefit from the 15 “workouts” in this book, and instructors can use the workouts as assignments that reinforce test-taking strategies and help measure progress. Each workout includes practice questions from all sections of the test and can easily be completed in a single sitting. This book also introduces the test-taking strategies that are critical for success on the Upper Level SSAT. The Best Unofficial Practice Tests for the Upper Level SSAT — This book consists of two full-length practice tests with answer keys, allowing students and instructors to measure progress and preparing students for what they will experience on test day. (Note — These practice tests have different questions than the practice test in Success on the Upper Level SSAT: A Complete Course and the two books can be combined for a total of three full-length practice tests.) Each book in the series can be used independently or they can be combined with each other, depending on the needs of the individual student. SSAT is a registered trademark of The Enrollment Management Association. Please note that The Enrollment Management Association has neither endorsed nor affiliated itself in any way with this book.

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