PhD 101: The Manual To Academia (PhD 101 Series)

PhD 101: The Manual To Academia (PhD 101 Series)

Author: Hockey, Dr. John

Price: $16.49

Category:Education Theory
Publication Date:2019-09-25T00:00:01Z
Academia is a whole new word - literature reviews, journal papers, conference presentations, coming up with a question for your PhD research, interacting with your supervisors.Learning how to navigate all of these aspects of your PhD will ensure your successful completion, and the better life you're working towards.This manual teaches you how to write great literature reviews and journal papers, how to give confident and memorable conference presentations, how to come up with an exciting and worthwhile question for your PhD, and how best to interact with your supervisors.As a result, you'll become a leader in your field, get higher citations and become well known in your field, you'll get your papers accepted in journals much easier (which takes away the headaches you might otherwise get), you'll get nicer comments on your work, your PhD will get completed quicker, you'll get more papers published, and you're chances of successfully completing your PhD will dramatically increase.All of this plus, you'll be happier because your work is going well. You'll be less stressed because you'll be on top of things. You'll also get more free time to rest and keep up a healthy lifestyle away from the office, including being able to socialize with your friends on the weekends, and continuing to play your favorite sport.Dr. John Hockey and Dr. Sandeep Gupta put their 29 years of experience into this one manual to give you all of those benefits. The instructions are distilled to give the most effective tips and how-to guides.Get your copy and Enjoy Your PhD!

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