50 Early Childhood Literacy Strategies (Teaching Strategies Series)

Author: Beaty, Janice
Price: $39.99
Category:Instruction Methods
Publication Date:2012-02-24T00:00:01Z
50 Early Childhood Literacy Strategies is the answer to the early childhood teacher’s dilemma of how to teach reading to children 3, 4, and 5 years of age as mandated by the state and national governments. This book presents an easy-to-use, easy-to-understand approach involving young children’s own emergence into the world of speaking and listening, reading and writing. Teachers will quickly learn what picture books and activities to use with children, how to use them, and how children can benefit from their use. They will learn what to expect as young children’s writing emerges from scribbles to pictures and real words. Finally, they will come to terms with the concept of emergent literacy as it appears in preschool children and evolves into conventional literacy as it is taught in elementary school.