Paradise Lost

Author: Milton, John
Price: $6.99
Category:Ancient, Classical & Medieval Poetry
Publication Date:2015-11-01T00:00:01Z
Of man’s first disobedience, and the fruit Of that forbidden tree, whose mortal tast Brought death into the world, and all our woe, With loss of Eden . . .” Satan and his fellow rebel angels contemplate on corrupting God’s beloved new creation, Mankind. He volunteers and prepares to leave. His children– Sin and Death– build a bridge between Hell and Earth. And disguising himself as a cherub, he lands on Earth. Adam and Eve, after a long day at work, are resting in their bower. And that’s when in the form of a serpent, Satan whisper’s into Eve’s ears. Tempted to eat from the forbidden Tree of Knowledge, Eve commits the sin. And hence follows the Fall of Man . . . Milton’s magnum opus, Paradise Lost, threads together two stories focused on different heroes– the half-heroic, half-evil charismatic Satan and the united Adam and Eve– skilfully balancing them. The epic poem continues to remain as celebrated as ever. “