Nebraska Birds: A Folding Pocket Guide to Familiar Species (Nature Observation North America)

Nebraska Birds: A Folding Pocket Guide to Familiar Species (Nature Observation North America)

Author: Kavanagh Waterford Press, James

Price: $7.95

Category:United States History
Publication Date:2017-05-30T00:00:01Z
Nebraska has an impressive bird diversity, with over 470 species having been recorded, the majority of which are either permanent residents, regular breeders, or annual migrants. State bird Western Meadowlark is a stand-out, but perhaps the most phenomenal avian experience to be had in the Cornhusker State is the mass migration of Sandhill Cranes, which congregate by the tens of thousands in one of North America’s most stunning migration spectacles. There is much to learn about the cranes and other iconic species like Sharp-tailed Grouse, American White Pelican, and Snow Geese, and it helps to focus on these and other familiar species to establish a foundation of knowledge. A handy tool for this is the portable and beautifully illustrated reference Nebraska Birds, which features 140 common species as well as an ecoregion map showing over 20 bird-finding hotspots and learning sites. Laminated for durability, this lightweight, 12-panel folding pocket guide is the ideal companion for educators, learners, naturalists, and birders who wish to sharpen their bird identification skills and peer more closely into birds’ fascinating lives. Made in the USA.

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