Author: Edu, ReNursing
Price: $15.24
Publication Date:2018-08-01T00:00:01Z
Are you a nurse practitioner student in need of an organized solution for your clinical notes? Look no further, NP H&P is what you need to make clinical rotations easier! Each history and physical sheet has everything you need to keep track of every patient you encounter during clinicals. Benefits of NP H&P: -Document on 100 patients per notebook -Sheets are double sided, so each encounter is kept on one sheet -Rip out sheets as needed -Patients are identified by date, clinical rotation, initials or medical record number for anonymity -More room to document with greyscale words that you can write over as needed -Prompts on what information to gather during your health history interview and exam -Circle positive Review of System complaints and check positive Physical Exam complaints -Readable font unlike some of our other competitors -Straightforward and to the point Review of Systems and Physical Exam choices without all the fluff to confuse you -Human diagram to mark locations of interest -Plenty of extra room to write notes Once your clinical semester is complete, you’ll have a notebook that contains all of your clinical information without sorting through mounds of paperwork that you can easily lose. Use one for each clinical rotation to make for easy uploading to your clinical tracking system.