Author: Steiger, Brad
Price: $29.95
Category:Occult & Paranormal
Publication Date:2022-09-27T00:00:01Z
Theinvisible world of influence and power revealed. Hidden agendasuncovered. An examination of over 250 current and historicalconspiracies, secret cabals, and powerful groups. Claims andcounterclaims. Stunning allegations. Suppressed evidence. Missingwitnesses and rogue operatives. Threats, cover-ups, andassassinations. Brazen lies and startling truths. Documentedconnections and worrisome coincidences to even deeper intrigue.American history is replete with warnings of hidden plots by shadowygroups and nefarious power brokers. Separatingfact from fiction, this compelling work provides gripping details andpresents the information without bias, including facts about hundredsof individuals, organizations, and events in which official claimsand standard explanations of actions and events remain shrouded inmystery. Sifting through the evidence, weighing competing narrativesin a search for the truth, Conspiraciesand Secret Societies: The Complete Dossierexamines the many subjects discussed by conspiracy theorists, probingand analyzing the dark doings of secret societies. Bring yourself upto date with the latest research and findings into historical topicsplus current issues, including: Governmentcover-ups―internettracking, electronic spying, MKUltra, the John F. Kennedy and MartinLuther King Jr. assassinations, Agenda 21, Area 51, Federal ReserveSystem, black helicopters, Project Monarch, satellite snooping,FEMA, the CIA, the crack cocaine epidemic, and much more. Powerfulsecret societies and groups―Freemasons,Illuminati, Antifa, the Deep State, the Trilateral Commission,Anarchists, the Skull and Bones Society, the Family, Scientology,the Knights Templar, the Lavender Mafia, the Zionists, the RomanCatholics, the Bilderberg group, and QAnon, to name a few. Classifiedbackground on U.S. Presidents―Lincoln,Kennedy, Eisenhower, Reagan, Obama, Trump, their advisers, and more. Terriblesecrets―MalaysianAirlines Flight 370, 9/11, Princess Diana, subliminal messaging,psychotronic weapons, the Matrix, Adolf Hitler, Men in Black,Barcodes, The Great Reset, Unit 731 and germ experiments, JeffreyEpstein, Bill Gates, the Oklahoma City bombing, Fukushima, HAARP,and many more. Historicalriddles―theArk of the Covenant, Nazi UFOs, the Holy Grail, George Patton andOperation Unthinkable, the Great Pyramid, the Tonkin Gulf incident,Noah''s Ark, alchemy, the true relationship between Jesus and MaryMagdalene, Atlantis, and more. Sciencemysteries―biochipimplants, genetically modified foods, chemtrails, hallow earth,vaccines, fluoridation, Hadron Collider, AIDS/HIV, suppressedmedical cures, and many, many more. Originallypublished in 2006, Brad and Sherry Steiger''s masterwork gets anupdate, with more than 50 new entries, and a complete review andrevision by a panel of experts to incorporate the latest developmentsand newly uncovered conspiracies. Citing sources, Conspiraciesand Secret Societies letsyou do your own research and draw your own conclusions! Thisimportant book bringsthe facts to light. Knowledge is our best weapon against thesepeople, groups, and their nefarious schemes.