The Mind of a Conservative Woman: Seeking the Best for Family and Country

Author: Blackburn, Senator Marsha

Price: $9.98

Category:Politics & Social Sciences
Publication Date:2020-09-01T00:00:01Z
Senator Marsha Blackburn, the first woman to represent Tennessee in the US Senate, understands what conservative women want. They want the rule of law, a strong defense, low taxes and a vibrant free market. They want religious freedom, protection of life in the womb, a diverse educational marketplace, private healthcare, and pro-family policies. They have the chance today to advance their priorities and improve the lives of their fellow women. It is as though the times have conspired to thrust conservative women forward. They stand between the hard-won legacies they have received from their mothers and the heights to which they can launch their daughters. Conservative women have been given an opportunity to prove their values once again. Theirs is a philosophy that says to women: You are amazing beings. You have been made in the image of an awesome God who has fashioned you to achieve gloriously in this life. You are smart, you are capable, you are talented, you are wise, and you are able to do magnificent things. What you want, and what conservatism promises, is a welcoming arena for your gifts, and the fairness and protection you need to rise brilliantly. Government has its role in your life, but that role should be minimal, limited by the smart Constitutional checks and balances crafted by our founding fathers. Armed with this knowledge, go be the inspiring beings you are made to be. This is Senator Marsha Blackburn’s message to women today!

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