Author: the Army, Headquarters Department of
Price: $16.24
Publication Date:2017-09-02T00:00:01Z
Very latest edition! This publication, Soldier Training Publication STP 21-1-SMCT Soldier's Manual of Common Tasks: Warrior Skills Level 1 August 2015, contains the individual tasks that are essential to the Army's ability to win on the modern battlefield. In an operational environment, regardless of job or individual MOS, each Soldier risks exposure to hostile actions. This manual contains the warrior skills that Soldiers must be able to perform to fight, survive, and win in combat. This SMCT gives the commander, NCO trainer, first-line supervisor, and individual Soldiers the information necessary to support integration and sustainment training in their units. This information allows trainers to plan, prepare, train, evaluate, and monitor individual training of warrior tasks. Using the appropriate mission-training plan (MTP), military occupational specialty (MOS)-specific Soldier's training publication (STP), and this manual helps provide the foundation for an effective unit-training plan. This manual includes the Army Warrior Training plan for warrior skills level (SL) 1 and task summaries for SL 1 critical common tasks that support unit wartime missions. This manual is the only authorized source for these common tasks. Task summaries in this manual supersede any common tasks appearing in military occupational specialty (MOS)-specific Soldier manuals. Training support information, such as reference materials, is also included.