Author: Caffey, Marion J
Price: $14.79
Publication Date:2022-02-11T00:00:01Z
This new 110 page planner is everything your family needs to know when you’re gone. This solves a WHEN, NOT IF, problem. Many don’t like to think about it but EVERYONE will experience both sides of this situation. The contents of this peace-of-mind planner is a common-sense, no-nonsense, record book of your personal information, documents, assets and obligations. DID THEY HAVE A WILL? WHERE IS IT? The information is all in one place and not scattered about and secretly hidden away. We hope to relieve the confusion, stress and anxiety of your loved ones when they are grieving their loss or stressed about your incapacitation. Again, When not If!WHERE DID HE PUT THE INSURANCE POLICIES?With My Estate Planner they can easily locate and solve the secrecy and disorganization of a well-lived, (albeit a little messy) good, full life. WHAT CREDIT CARDS DID THEY HAVE? CRYPTO? Simply enter your information into this well organized planner, and keep it in a secure and safe location! Entrust at least one very trusted person not with the information BUT with the location of the planner. WHO WILL TAKE CARE OF MY PET?Practical and of untold value it is a tremendous gift to your children and for any aging parents, grandparents friend or relative. Proper Planning Provides for a Peaceful Process My Estate Planner (Essential Information for My Family) covers:My Personal Information * Document Quick Location Guide * Suggested, How to Use Guide * Wills & Trust * Annuities * Bank Accounts * Stocks, Bonds, Futures * Business / Employment * Certificate Of Deposit * Credit Cards / Electronic Payments * Crypto-Currency * Insurance * Internet / Social Media / Email * Money Market Funds * Mutual Funds * NFT’s * Pets * Professional Advisors * Real Estate * Safe Deposit Box * Savings Bonds * Treasury Bills & Notes * Vehicles * Personal Notes & Reflections * Note: This planner is not a legal document and does not replace a valid will, but unless someone knows where to find your will, it won’t do them any good.