Breaking the Cycle: The Ultimate Solution to Destructive Patterns

Breaking the Cycle: The Ultimate Solution to Destructive Patterns

Author: Richards, Dr. James

Price: $14.99

Publication Date:2003-06-01T00:00:01Z
Are you tired of repeating the same cycle? Do you feel like what you do is never good enough? Are negative feelings robbing your life of joy? Do you sometimes feel that you can't find the light at the end of the tunnel? Do you want to be in control and predict your own future? Are you ready for the roller coaster to end and the good life to begin? Millions of people have these same feelings. You are not alone. But you can end your repeated struggles and break out of destructive cycles. Put an end to the frustration and begin to live your dreams. Everyone wants to enjoy a good life-a life of peace and happiness void of chaos! However, the sense of lack drives us into our never-ending cycles...Two steps forward, one step back. Up and down, In and Out. Mountain peak to valley. Like a hamster in a wheel, it never ends! It's time to get off the wheel. This incredible book by Dr. Jim Richards will give you the tools to face life with new confidence. On each page, you will find new keys to personal empowerment. You will transform your self-worth. You will disconnect from the feelings of lack and inadequacy. Your life will become a constant process from good to great! Discover the life-changing secrets of personal empowerment that have brought transformation to millions of people around the world. Breaking the Cycle provides the keys. You can end your destructive patterns today!

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