Transformation: The Mindset You Need. The Body You Want. The Life You Deserve

Author: Phillips, Bill

Price: $14.69

Publication Date:2010-06-21T00:00:01Z
DIVMention the nameBill Phillipsto any of the million people from all walks of life who are now transformed as a result of the energy, inspiration, and knowledge shared in his #1New York Timesbestseller,Body-for-LIFE,and watch their faces light up with appreciation and pride!/divDIVNow, Bill Phillips is back . . . with the book that goes beyond 12 weeks, and then some:TRANSFORMATION: A Path from Physical to Spiritual Well-Being./divDIVWithin these pages, Phillips delivers on the title’s promise. In a unique fusion of art, science, common sense, and the wisdom of the life experience itself,TRANSFORMATIONilluminates the right way to making significant, meaningful, and healthy changes./divDIVSpecifically, Phillips guides readers step-by-step through his 11 Transformation Tenets, which, when practiced daily, “energizes authentic and lasting change, beginning deep within your heart and then radiating out into every aspect of your life, and are reflected in everything you see, do, feel and experience. Truly . . . the Transformation is the way to change everything . . . beginning within your Self, but only beginning there.”/div New York Timesbest-selling author, magazine publisher, documentary filmmaker, entrepreneur, inventor, self-made multimillionaire, and motivator,Bill Phillipshas thus far provedunstoppable.Described recently byOutsidemagazine as “the most successful fitness author of all timeOver the years, Phillips has served as “personal trainer” to a who’s-who list of Hollywood icons, but what he’s most proud of is his work with the Make-A-Wish Foundation® and more recently, his work as an adviser to the United States Department of Health and Human Services on programs to resolve childhood obesity.

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