Author: Charlene D. Quint J.D. C.D.V.P.
Price: $27.85
Publication Date:2020-10-12T00:00:01Z
Overcoming the Narcissist, Sociopath, Psychopath, and Other Domestic Abusers is a groundbreaking comprehensive handbook that contains everything a woman needs to know about how to recognize abuse, break free, and thrive. This definitive guide identifies abuse and abusers’ tactics, describes the actions a victim must take to leave safely, and guides victims through the steps to find hope, healing, and a victorious life of peace and wholeness. “There are a number of great books out there about the dynamics of domestic violence, but I’ve yet to read one that is more complete than this one. What makes this book different? It is more comprehensive than any book I’ve read on domestic violence. Charlene recognizes that people are complex, so in this book, she addresses the whole person (psychologically, physically, and spiritually). This book has the wisdom in it to change how advocates help people of faith. It has the depth to challenge the most seasoned expert in the field of domestic violence. It has the gentleness that beckons the reader into an immersive experience and the boldness to challenge existing structures of abuse advocacy. I’m thankful to know Charlene and to add this book to my list of incredible resources that I’m confident will inform and even reframe my advocacy efforts for the rest of my life.” –Neil Schori, Senior Pastor, The Edge Church, Aurora, IL Advocate for domestic abuse victims Former Pastor to Stacy Peterson (fourth wife of convicted murderer and former Bolingbrook, Illinois, police sergeant Drew Peterson) “This book is amazing. It’s everything that a woman seeking to escape an abusive relationship will need to know. This is the one book to have when dealing with a domestic violence situation. Whether you are a counselor, medical professional, clergy, friend, family member, or target of the abuse, this is the one book that will help to clarify the situation and provide a roadmap to a better life. It instructs, educates, encourages, guides, and provides comfort and hope to women who find themselves in an abusive situation. It’s a godsend.” –Susan Bacharz Guenther, LCPC, BC-TMH Founder, Counseling for Transitions, Evanston, IL “When you’re trapped in an abusive relationship, it’s like living in thick fog. Oftentimes you don’t even recognize where you are and are unable to see a way out. This book helps change all of that and is truly unlike any other I’ve read on the topic. It first helps readers recognize and identify abuse and understand the thought processes of the abuser. It then goes on to provide practical information about safety planning, managing finances, finding legal assistance, and getting the emotional support essential to successfully getting through the journey of overcoming abuse. “The specific, practical advice that Charlene gives in this book alone makes it the one guide to recognizing and escaping abuse that every woman who is concerned about their well-being should have. But it goes even further, discussing the spiritual and emotional implications of abuse and divorce. She gives readers strength by reminding us of the spiritual armor God has given all of us and dispelling some myths surrounding abuse and divorce in the church. Quint provides inspiration, hope, and healing to allow women not only to remove themselves from abusive situations successfully but to go on to live a life of joy, fulfillment, and recovery. It is a must-read for all women who know they need help and for those who are wondering if their relationship is healthy or safe. I am truly grateful to Charlene Quint for all she does to help women overcome abuse, and I am certain this book will help and change the lives of so many.” –State Representative Joyce Mason, 61st District, IL “In this one-stop all-inclusive book, Charlene Quint provides women in abuse a guide on how to identify abuse and abusers, get out safely, recover, and reclaim their lives. A must-read for all women in abuse or in its aftermath.” –Michael Nerheim, Lake County State’s Attorney, IL “This book provides a much-needed resource for women, particularly women of faith, who are seeking to escape domestic abuse. In one readable yet comprehensive book, Charlene Quint covers what every woman needs to know about identifying abuse, getting out safely, healing, and moving on with her life.” –Michael Strauss, Esq., Schlesinger & Strauss, Illinois State Bar Association Family Law Chair 2019-2020 Vice President of the Board of a Safe Place, Zion, IL “A must read! Charlene Quint has written a must-read for anyone experiencing domestic abuse. Finally, a handbook addressing all three stages of rescuing yourself, finding strength, and finding your new life. This handbook will help you go from victim to successful survivor!” –Kelly Keiser, Survivor