Study Guide for The Human Body in Health & Disease

Author: Patton PhD, Kevin T.

Price: $20.49

Category:Basic Medical Sciences
Publication Date:2017-02-14T00:00:01Z
Reinforce your understanding of the concepts in Patton’s The Human Body in Health & Disease, 7th Edition! Corresponding to the chapters in the text, this study guide reviews essential medical terminology, concepts, and processes related to anatomy and physiology, and explains how our body systems function in health and disease. Each chapter begins with a quick synopsis of the key points in the textbook chapter. A variety of exercises make it easy to review and apply key concepts, and labeling of anatomy drawings helps you learn anatomical terms and structures. Know your Medical Terms feature helps you understand A&P by familiarizing you with the various word parts used in medical terminology, and reinforces the Language of Medicine word lists in The Human Body in Health & Disease. A comprehensive review ensures that you understand the textbook’s core concepts and essential content. Application questions promote critical thinking, asking you to apply textbook information to the real world. Diagrams, labeling exercises, and coloring exercises reinforce your understanding of the location of body structures. Matching and fill-in-the-blank exercises aid in understanding anatomy and physiology concepts. Crossword puzzles and word finds help you master new vocabulary terms. Study tips in the preface offer insight into the most effective methods for learning and retaining information. Answers to exercises are located at the end of the study guide, along with convenient textbook-page references. UPDATED content and activities correspond with changes to Patton’s The Human Body in Health & Disease, 7th Edition text. NEW! Five new questions are added to each chapter. NEW! Illustrations are revised to reflect changes in the main text.

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